Resources for Teachers and Educators
Your work is so important. What you teach matters.
https://bctf.ca/SocialJustice.aspx?id=21406 - British Columbia Teachers’ Federation landing page for Sexual Health Education resources.
https://www.genderspectrum.org/ - This website is FULL of resources for parents, adults, youth and TEACHERS who work with kids who identify outside the gender binary.
https://thepornconversation.org/ - The Porn Conversation is a non-profit project that offers free and easily accessible tools for families and educators to talk to young people about sex - beginning with the topic of porn literacy. An important part of sexual health is porn literacy (a form of media literacy). You can help students to learn to think critically about the media they see, including when they see adult content.
https://traumainformedoregon.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Guide-toTrauma-Informed-Sex-Education.pdf - a Guide to Trauma Informed Sex Education is a must needed resource for anyone who is teaching sexual health education, especially to youth.
Creating Consent Culture: a Handbook for Educators by Erica Scott and Marcia Baczynski in this specially written book for educators you will learn to teach and discuss consent issues to young adults, from 10+. The fun, interactive exercises in this book focus on consent in all interactions, not just sexual ones, and explores skills that help young people to increase their relational intelligence and build positive, reciprocal relationships. COMING SOON: online video content to support your learning as an educator. I promise YOU will learn so much from this book and from inviting your students to become Consent Creators too.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1htiVbyoDZMRBNxFoRufCXz30UfOhgOS8/view – The Gender Spectrum – A .pdf resource for educators about gender awareness and how to use this knowledge to help you integrate SOGI123 into your daily practise. Written in partnership with the BC Teachers’ Federation.
https://www.pridenet.ca/ - Resources and documents for educators brought to you by Canadian teachers, counsellors, support staff, child care workers, special education assistants, and community & youth workers in the school system.
https://www.optionsforsexualhealth.org/sex-sense/ - The Sex Sense Line is open to residents of BC and the Yukon. Call Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Pacific Time and get your sex, sexuality and sexual health questions answered by a team of registered nurses, counsellors, and sex educators. Call for yourself or call in on speaker phone with your class!
https://bc.sogieducation.org/ - Home page for SOGI123. SOGI 1 2 3 was created by ARC Foundation in collaboration with the BC Ministry of Education, BC Teachers’ Federation, school districts across BC, UBC Faculty of Education;education partners, and various local, national, and international 2SLGBTQ+ community organizations. SOGI123 is not a curriculum or a class, it is a way to unlearn and relearn how to teach in an inclusive and intersectional way.
Please check out: https://bc.sogieducation.org/sogi3 to go directly to teaching resources and lesson plans.