Resources for School Districts
How are you supporting your teachers in meeting sexual health education and SOGI123 learning objectives?
https://www.actioncanadashr.org/resources/sexual-health-info/sex-ed/does-sex-ed-save-lives - Action Canada is an organization that works in Canada and around the world to promote health, well-being, and rights related to sexuality and reproduction.
https://bc.sogieducation.org/ - SOGI123
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1htiVbyoDZMRBNxFoRufCXz30UfOhgOS8/view – The Gender Spectrum – A .pdf resource written with educators and school decision-makers in mind. Written in partnership with the BC Teacher’ Federation, this document outlines why gender education is vital to the healthy environment districts keep missing the mark on.
The Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN) is a registered not-for-profit charitable organization that works with educators, health professionals, community organizations, governments, and other partners to promote the sexual and reproductive health of Canadians. A core objective of SIECCAN is to increase the capacity of educators and institutions that deliver education and healthcare to Canadians to provide comprehensive sexual health education.
The 2019 Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education provide guidance to educators and policy makers for the development and evaluation of comprehensive evidence-based sexual health education in Canada.
http://sieccan.org/sexual-health-education/ - Check out the SIECCAN Sexual Health Education landing page to see summaries and analysis of: Sexual health education outcomes within Canada’s elementary health education curricula, sexual health education in the schools: Updated 2015 Ontario Edition, sexual health education in the schools, Sexual Health Education for Youth with Physical Disabilities, Sexual Orientation in Schools and Gender Identity in Schools
http://www.mcs.bc.ca/pdf/balance_and_connection.pdf - 2018 BC Adolescent Health Survey shares provincial findings of the 2018 BC Adolescent Health Survey, which was completed by 38,015 Grade 7-12 students in schools across British Columbia.
https://www.mcs.bc.ca/pdf/balance_and_connection_kootenayboundary.pdf – This is the Kootenay Boundary specific findings of the 2018 BC Adolescent Health Survey.