Resources for Parents and Caregivers
Check out my personal book recommendations at: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/148893671?ref=nav_mybooks
“We have to not only see our children’s humanity, but ours as well. I genuinely believe that everybody is doing the best they can at the moment. You won’t be perfect and break all cycles. The goal is to grow and have a improvement-focused mindset.
It’s like a seed; keep working on it, and you’ll make progress and impact generations to come.” - Mr Chazz
https://www.optionsforsexualhealth.org/sex-sense/ - The Sex Sense Line is open to residents of BC and the Yukon. Call 1-800-739-7367 Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Pacific Time and get your sex, sexuality and sexual health questions answered by a team of registered nurses, counselors, and sex educators.
https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/parents – Planned Parenthood USA’s parent resources. Videos and articles searchable by your child’s age and the topic you want to talk about.
https://teachingsexualhealth.ca/parents/ - from MyHealth Alberta. Search by topic and age.
https://www.scarleteen.com/for_parents_and_guardians – Parent and Guardian portal for the best sex ed website for your Teen
https://www.corysilverberg.com/media-test – Cory Silverburg is an Canadian author and educator. He has created two of my favourite books for children about bodies, relationships and sex, “What Makes a Baby” and “Sex is a Funny Word”. Here’s the landing page for videos about his books and his educational offerings.
https://www.optionsforsexualhealth.org/sex-sense/ - The Sex Sense Line is open to residents of BC and the Yukon. Call Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Pacific Time and get your sex, sexuality and sexual health questions answered by a team of registered nurses, counsellors, and sex educators.
https://www.consentparenting.com/ - CONSENTparenting is a consent and parenting resource specifically for parents who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Rosalia Rivera is a consent educator and abuse prevention expert who has a passion for supporting adults survivors to help keep their children safer with abuse prevention tools and strategies.
https://thepornconversation.org/ - The Porn Conversation is a non-profit project that offers free and easily accessible tools for families and educators to talk to young people about sex - beginning with the topic of porn literacy. An important part of sexual health is porn literacy (a form of media literacy). You can help young people to learn to think critically about the media they see, including when they see adult content.
Resources for parents of 2SLGBTQ+ kids
A great place to start if you have just found out your child is queer. This article outlines why it’s important to support your 2SLGBTQ+ kid and how to be supportive, even if you’re struggling. Remember, if you’ve already reacted in a possibly hurtful way, admitting that, apologizing and doing better moving forward will help your child see you as the loving, imperfect human we all are. https://optionb.org/articles/why-accepting-your-lgbtq-child-matters-and-how-to-start
https://pflagcanada.ca/ - Pflag Canada is a national charitable organization, founded by parents who wished to help themselves and their family members understand and accept their 2SLGBTQ+ children. Right now, because of COVID-19, in person meetings are not happening. Check out their resource page which is full of great websites.
https://egale.ca/ - Egale is Canada’s leading organization for LGBTQI2S people and issues. They advocate human rights and equality in Canada and around the world through research, education and raising awareness.
https://nccc.georgetown.edu/documents/LGBT_Brief.pdf -Helping Families Support Their Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Children
https://www.genderspectrum.org/ - This website is FULL of resources for parents, adults, youth and kids who are fall outside the gender binary.
https://www.strongfamilyalliance.org/ - Strong Family Alliance is a non-profit organization focused on supporting parents of children in the LGBTQ+ community. Strong Family Alliance gives parents accurate information, insights, ways to keep their child safe and healthy, and encouragement to lead with love and solve problems over time.
http://www.phsa.ca/transcarebc/child-youth/support-for-families/articles-books-movies - Great recommendation list of books and media for you and your kids.
https://outinschools.com/film/ - Inspiring films lovingly curated by the folks at Out On Screens, a BC based educational group that use films to illuminate transformative moments in the lives of queer, trans, and two-spirit people — telling the stories of the journeys we’ve taken to find ourselves, each other and our place in the world.
http://www.phsa.ca/transcarebc/gender-basics-education/education-resources/online-courses - Free online courses offered through Trans Care BC. You’ll find further resources for parents of gender creative children on this page.